The Vacances Bleues Foundation

Vacances Bleues, a committed player for 50 years
Since its creation, the Vacances Bleues Group has based its approach on the values of sharing, openness to others and creativity, which are at the heart of its corporate culture: giving meaning to holidays and encouraging encounters.

The Vacances Bleues Foundation is committed
Vacances Bleues was born of a vocation: to facilitate access to holidays for all.
As a committed player in the social and solidarity economy, the group carries out, through the Vacances Bleues Foundation created in 2006, various actions around 3 areas of general interest:
- intergenerational solidarity,
- responsible and solidarity-based tourism,
- and artistic sponsorship.

Intergenerational solidarity
VaVacances Bleues has always cultivated among its founding values, openness to others by maintaining a link between generations.
For the Foundation, this commitment translates into support for various actions aimed at different audiences: isolated or disabled people, amateur sportsmen and women, artists, associations and youth organisations.
Today, we support the Petits Frères des Pauvres association to the tune of €15,000 per year to help isolated elderly people go on holiday. We also welcome teams from Les Petits Frères des Pauvres holiday homes to our hotels to train them in the hotel business. You too can support the association by making a donation when you book your next holiday.

Supporting charitable organisations abroad
Voyager Autrement tours are designed to help people discover the world in a way that respects the environment and the local population, and is founded on the principle of sharing. Over the past 20 years, our foundation has donated more than €250,000 to fund partner associations that work locally in fields such as education and environmental protection.

Supporting artists
As a patron of the arts, Vacances Bleues supports contemporary creation in the Visual Arts sector by sponsoring works of art and providing artists with a studio in our group's premises in Marseille. A founding member of the Mécènes du Sud network, the Vacances Bleues Foundation is also a partner of Artorama, the international contemporary art fair in Marseille.

Art at the heart of our holidays
With the "Art compris" initiative, Vacances Bleues takes works of art (photographs, paintings, and designs) out of museums and displays them in our establishments. There are over 350 works of art to discover across our network of holiday destinations, including:
- "Eclairage en groupe" by Jean-Michel Alberola at La Villa du Lac in Divonne-les-Bains
- Paintings and silk-screens by Piotr Klemensiewicz at our hotel Villa Modigliani in Paris.
- Hanging frescoes by Claude Viallat in our club Plein Sud in Hyères-les-Palmiers.
- Works with mysterious forms by Bernard Boyer at our 3-star hotel Villa Marlioz, in Aix-les-Bains

Did you know ?
Vacances Bleues was awarded the prestigious Télérama - Admical prize at the 22nd Admical Oscars for corporate sponsorship in 2003.