Cancellations and postponements

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Your trip is booked and you have to cancel it?

This is possible according to the conditions of the following fee schedule, applicable to the total amount of the stay (excluding any file and insurance fees which remain with Vacances Bleues): 

  • More than 45 days before the beginning of the stay: 30€ per file
  • Between 45 and 31 days before the start of the holiday: 10% of the price of the holiday
  • Between 30 and 21 days before the beginning of the stay: 30% of the price of the stay
  • Between 20 and 8 days before the start of the holiday: 50% of the price of the holiday
  • Less than 8 days before the beginning of the stay or in case of no show on the day of arrival: 100% of the price of the stay.
Multi-risk travel insurance

At Vacances Bleues, we insure

To make the most of your holiday in complete safety, we advise you to take out our multi-risk travel insurance. This way, you benefit from optimal coverage before, during and after your stay:

  • Reimbursement of cancellation costs
  • Compensation in case of loss, theft or damage to luggage
  • Repatriation assistance in case of medical problems at your place of stay
  • Assistance to your vehicle in case of breakdown or accident...

Cancellation and postponement

A trip or holiday has its share of surprises, some good (often with Vacances Bleues) and some bad. Despite all the care we take in creating your future trip, despite all your dedication to preparing your future holiday, there are sometimes snags. Cancellation is one of the hazards that we could do without, but that we must still plan for.

To enjoy your holiday with complete peace of mind, we advise you to take out our comprehensive travel insurance: it includes travel cancellation insurance.


Travel cancellation insurance: what to do in the event of a claim?

In case of a claim concerning assistance and insurance, the first thing to do is to inform Vacances Bleues. What do we mean by insurance-related claims? Everything that concerns cancellation, transport delay, luggage, interruption of stay and holiday liability. You have taken out travel cancellation insurance and your trip has been cancelled... Go to and click on the "claim" section.

You can then download the supporting documents according to the reason, declare your claim, but also consult the status of your file.


Travel cancellation insurance: FAQ

Certain questions are frequently asked about travel cancellation insurance. Let's see what the answers are here.

  •   What exactly are cancellation fees? How are they calculated?

Cancellation fees are fees that are charged by Blue Holiday after your cancellation. The calculation is based on the general terms and conditions of sale that were given to you when you signed your contract. The cancellation fee is calculated as a percentage of the price of the trip depending on the cancellation date and the departure date.

  • How much time do I have to provide the necessary documents for compensation?

From the moment you open your file, you have two years to submit the requested documents. Do you want to reduce the processing time? Send all the necessary documents at once, this will facilitate the management of your file.

  • I have taken out travel cancellation insurance. How and when will I be reimbursed?

Payment is made by cheque sent to your address. You will receive your cheque within 10 days. This 10-day period starts as soon as the payment email is sent. Your address is not in France? No problem, Assurinco will refund you by bank transfer.